The latest science shows Coffeeberry Extract found in AminoMind is a superfood and BDNF-building supplement for brain health.
The latest science shows Coffeeberry Extract found in AminoMind is a superfood and BDNF-building supplement for brain health.

What Is A Coffeeberry?

The Surprising Benefits of Coffeeberries for Brain and Body

Estimated Read Time: 10.5 minutes

Let's start off with a variation on that old song, "You say to-may-toe and I say toe-mah-toe..." Some people call it a coffee cherry, others a coffeeberry, a coffee berry...and then there's coffee fruit, arabica berry, whole fruit coffee, and the list goes on and on. Whatever you want to call them, they are a groundbreaking new nutrient for a wide variety of health benefits that grow on a coffee tree or shrub. The berry that surrounds the coffee seed is classified as a stone fruit. The coffee "fruit" belongs to the same family as cherries and plums.

The fruit around a coffee bean consists of a thin outer skin that ranges in color from green to deep red. Underneath the skin, a sweet, juicy pulp surrounds two coffee beans, which are seeds that serve as the raw material for brewing coffee.

AminoMind provides the clinical dose of coffeecherry extract in just 1 tablespoon.

Coffee fruit undergoes a noticeable color change as it ripens. Initially, it is green, and as it matures, the fruit transitions to yellow, followed by orange, and finally red. This color transformation is an indicator for farmers as to the optimal time for harvesting.

The two coffee beans, contained within the coffee fruit, possess various properties that contribute to the final flavor profile of a cup of coffee. Beans are typically oval-shaped, with a flat side and a distinct groove running through the center. The beans also contain caffeine, which is responsible for coffee's stimulating effects.

Coffee berries do not contain a large amount of caffeine, so eating coffeeberries doesn't give you the unpleasant side effects of too much caffeine. As a result of our coffee fixation over the centuries, we totally missed the great health benefits hidden under our noses. Traditionally used as food for caterpillars, worms, and birds, the coffee cherry has been viewed as just food waste—until now!

Coffee And Its Fruit Have An Interesting History

Coffee fruit has a fascinating history that traces back to ancient times. It involves a legend of an Ethiopian goat herder and a curious monk. According to folklore, Kaldi, a goat herder, noticed that his goats became significantly more energetic after consuming certain bright red berries. The coffee cherries on the evergreen shrub his goats liked so much caught his attention. Intrigued, Kaldi decided to taste these berries himself. Although they were bitter, he experienced heightened alertness, felt invigorated with newfound energy, and had a feeling of increased focus after eating them.

News of Kaldi's discovery reached a nearby monastery, where a monk named Abbot Serapion further explored the potential of these berries. He began experimenting with different methods of preparation, leading to the creation of a drink that would help the monks stay awake during long hours of prayer. Thus, the beverage we know today as coffee was born.

The tale of the Ethiopian goat herder and the monk's experiments laid the foundation for the global coffee culture that we know today. It sparked the curiosity and interest of people along global trading routes, leading to the cultivation, processing, and roasting of coffee beans all around the world.

However, the important story so often overlooked is that behind every cup of coffee lies a mound of forgotten coffee fruit brimming with health benefits.

Coffee fruit (aka coffee cherry or coffeeberry), has a role in human health and the potential to contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly future in several ways. As I pointed out earlier, traditionally only the coffee beans have been harvested, but the fruit has been discarded. However, once we discovered the hidden potential in the coffee berries, processors found that by utilizing the entire fruit, we can reduce the waste and carbon footprint associated with coffee production.

The high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols in coffee berries are linked to a wide variety of health benefits. These compounds help to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as artery and heart diseases, and may help protect us against certain types of cancer. Additionally, coffeeberry contains essential vitamins and minerals so it has numerous nutritional benefits.

For hundreds of years, we've been throwing out the really good part! Some indigenous cultures make a bitter coffee cherry tea from the fruit husks called Cascara, but it's an acquired taste. The coffee berry provides protection for the coffee bean while it's growing, insulating it from the sun and weather. Consequently, the fruit is somewhat tough, and the cell walls within the fruit are hard to break. That means it's hard to digest and hard to absorb in the human digestive system. To get the most from the coffee berry you need to make an extract. Coffeeberries are processed to fractionate the cell wall and create coffeeberry extracts. It's important to note these are different than coffee extracts.

Neuroprotective Effects of Coffeeberry: What Studies Show

The coffee "fruit" is the red or purple fruit of the coffee plant. Some people like to have a coffeeberry plant in their gardens as a hedge because a coffeeberry bush makes a nice shrub that's only a few feet tall but edible for wildlife (and brave humans.)

I mentioned the antioxidants and polyphenols earlier. These are compounds that help protect the body's cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. Unroasted coffee beans and fruit are particularly abundant in chlorogenic acids, a type of polyphenol that has been shown to have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Numerous studies have suggested that coffee, coffeeberry, and the polyphenols found in them may be beneficial for brain health. In particular, the antioxidants in coffeeberries have been found to have neuroprotective effects.

A recent study published in the journal Nutrients investigated the effects of coffeeberry extract on cognitive performance. The study found that participants who consumed coffeeberry extract showed significant improvements in cognitive function, including a boost in memory and attention. Other studies have shown that coffeeberry's nutrients help calm neuroinflammation too. In the realm of brain research in particular, coffeeberry extract and it's ability to provide brain-building nutrients are generating a significant number of studies and excitement in the scientific community.

Antioxidants in Coffeeberry Fights Free Radicals

Another aspect of coffee fruit is its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants are compounds that help fight oxidative stress, which occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and the body's ability to neutralize them. This imbalance is believed to contribute to the development of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, so anything we can do proactively to rebalance our bodies is vital.

One of the greatest potential coffee berry benefits lies in its ability to minimize oxidative stress which can potentially reduce the risk of heart disease - the number one killer in America.

Additionally, studies have suggested that coffee fruit may inhibit bad cellular proliferation. The antioxidants in coffeeberries appear to help prevent DNA and cellular damage as well as prevent the growth of cells that create tumors.

The antioxidants in coffee fruit can also play a role in reducing the risk of diabetes. Oxidative stress has been linked to insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes. By reducing oxidative stress, coffee fruit may improve insulin sensitivity and lower the risk of developing diabetes.

More so than the actual coffee bean, coffee's berries are gaining popularity in the health and wellness industry because of their high antioxidant content. Chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and quinic acid are the hero antioxidants in coffeeberry that have a range of potential therapeutic benefits.

Additional studies have also shown that coffeeberry extract can have an impact on immune function too. Those same antioxidants support a healthy immune response, which is crucial for defending against infections and diseases.

Finally, the anti-inflammatory effects of coffeeberry extract help to reduce and manage the immune response in the brain and nerves. There is mounting evidence that these types of inflammation can contribute to neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune responses, and even mental health conditions.

Coffee fruit and its more bioavailable form, coffeeberry extract, are creating quite a stir in the nutraceutical research community. Research continues to reveal their potential contributions to the future of physical and mental health, along with their ability to prevent chronic diseases.

Coffeeberry Supports Brain Health?

One of the most exciting areas of research about coffeeberry extract is its potential benefits for brain health.

Research shows that coffeeberry extract can protect brain functions because of its powerful antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain. These are known to contribute to age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. This is very exciting because as we age, the blood-brain barrier allows fewer nutrients to cross over into the fragile brain tissues including the ones that can modulate inflammation.

Coffeeberry extract has shown promise in slowing signs of aging in the brain in many double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. Aging is associated with a decline in cognitive function, memory, brain shrinkage, and overall brain health. Studies have suggested that the bioactive compounds in coffeeberry extract mitigate age-related cognitive decline, potentially preserving brain function and promoting healthy aging.

Multiple studies have also demonstrated the positive effects of coffeeberry extract on memory, cognitive function, and mood. For instance, scientists found that supplementation with coffeeberry extract significantly improved memory performance, both in terms of recall and recognition. It also improved focus, attention and executive functions, which are crucial for tasks such as decision-making and problem-solving. Additionally, coffeeberry extract has been shown to have mood-enhancing effects, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Coffeeberry extract has been documented to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by up to 143% just within 60 minutes of ingesting it. BDNF promotes the survival of existing neurons, encourages the growth of new neurons, and supports the formation of synapses, the connections between neurons. By enhancing BDNF levels, coffeeberry extract can help the brain make new brain cells, improve our short and long-term memory, and contribute to overall neuronal health. Higher levels of BDNF have been linked to improved cognitive function and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative disorders.

AminoMind's clinical-proven coffeeberry extract provides the nutrients to build BDNF for brain and body health by 143% in just 1 tablespoon.

Another exciting area of research shows coffeeberry extract's neuroprotective properties may help preserve cognitive function in individuals at risk of or already diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

So, as you can see, coffeeberry extract holds great promise as a natural supplement for supporting brain health. Its ability to increase BDNF levels, support neuronal growth and maintenance, and protect against neurodegenerative diseases make it a valuable tool for taking care of your brain and long-term brain health.

Coffeeberry Extract Can Promote Fat Loss

Coffeeberries and their components have the potential to promote fat loss through several mechanisms. One way is by promoting the breakdown of fat cells, also known as adipocytes. This is done by the activation of certain enzymes and signaling pathways involved in lipid metabolism. Coffeeberry extract increases the activity of lipolytic enzymes, such as hormone-sensitive lipase, which results in the release of stored fat from adipocytes for energy.

Furthermore, coffeeberry extract may inhibit the growth of new fat cells, also called adipogenesis. This is attributed to its ability to modulate the expression of genes involved in adipocyte differentiation and proliferation. By suppressing the formation of new fat cells, coffeeberry extract helps prevent excess fat accumulation in the body and making adding fat cells.

Chlorogenic acid found in coffeeberry extract also plays a role in weight loss. Chlorogenic acid has been shown to have anti-obesity effects and can help prevent weight and fat gain by inhibiting glucose absorption in the intestines, which reduces the amount of glucose that is converted to fat. It also enhances the metabolism of stored fat and increases the release of fatty acids for energy.

Studies conducted on both animals and humans have reported promising findings regarding the effects of coffeeberry extract and chlorogenic acid on body and belly fat. Animal studies have demonstrated reductions in body weight, fat mass, and waist circumference; human studies have also revealed similar outcomes. More research is underway on coffee's fruit and its chlorogenic acid concentrations may be effective in promoting fat loss and reducing belly fat.

Coffeeberry Lowers Inflammation and Improves Connective Tissues

Coffeeberry's high levels of polyphenols and phenolic acids protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals. The antioxidants found in coffee berries have a positive effect on skin health. The polyphenols and phenolic acids in coffeeberry extract smooth the skin by improving its elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, these compounds neutralize free radicals that contribute to skin damage and premature aging. Coffeeberry's BDNF-building nutrients also contribute improved skin and connective tissues.

The anti-inflammatory effects of coffeeberry we discussed earlier can be particularly beneficial for individuals with inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and rosacea. Coffeeberry can help alleviate symptoms such as itching, redness, and irritation associated with these conditions. People often take coffeeberry extract internally and use coffee berries topically for even better outcomes.

Coffeeberry extract from coffee cherries is clinically shown to improve skin health.  AminoMind supplies a clinical dose of coffeecherry extract.

Coffeeberry Improves Exercise Performance

Coffeeberry extract also supports exercise performance. It has been found to increase endurance, boost energy levels, and improve athletic performance.

Coffeeberry extract stimulates the central nervous system without caffeine's jittery side effects and contains other compounds that enhance oxygen utilization and delay fatigue. As a result, individuals who consume coffeeberry extract experience improved physical recovery and performance during workouts and exercise routines.

Coffeeberry Supports a Better Mood

Coffeeberry extract can also give your mood a lift. It helps increase the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for regulating mood and emotions. Consuming coffeeberry extract can lead to reduced stress and anxiety levels, enhanced mood, and an overall sense of well-being. These are results that tend to be immediately noticeable, just as they were for our friend Kaldi, the goat herder.

Coffeeberry May Lower Blood Pressure

The chlorogenic acid in coffeeberry extract has potential benefits for lowering blood pressure levels too. Chlorogenic acid has a positive impact on blood pressure due to its effects on blood vessel function and nitric oxide production. The chlorogenic acids in coffee beans don't have the same potency after the beans have been roasted, so it's the fruit extract that will give you the most benefit.

Chlorogenic acid inhibits the activity of an enzyme called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). ACE plays a role in regulating blood pressure by promoting the vasoconstriction of blood vessels. By inhibiting the activity of ACE, chlorogenic acid helps relax and widen blood vessels, resulting in lower blood pressure levels.

A study conducted in Australia investigated the effects of chlorogenic acids on blood pressure. The study involved 23 men and women. The researchers measured the study participants' blood pressure levels at baseline and after the intervention. The double-blind, placebo-controlled research results suggest that chlorogenic acids effectively reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in individuals with high blood pressure.

Coffeeberry Improves Heart Health Too

Coffeeberry, also has several positive effects on heart health. We've already discussed that coffee berries and coffeeberry extract are clinically demonstrated to reduce inflammation within the body. Inflammation plays a key role in the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and stroke. By reducing inflammation, coffee berries can help protect against these diseases and promote a healthier heart.

We've also discussed that coffee berry helps lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for heart disease, so by lowering blood pressure, the coffeeberry may help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems. This is especially important for individuals with hypertension and may serve as a natural way to manage their blood pressure levels.

Coffeeberry also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that can build up in the arteries, leading to blockages and an increased risk of heart disease. By promoting the balance of good and bad cholesterol, coffee berry can help prevent the formation of arterial plaques and blockages.

Finally, when it comes to heart health, coffeeberries have been shown to lower the risk of blood clots because they are rich in hydroquinone. Blood clots can obstruct blood vessels, leading to heart attacks and strokes. By inhibiting the formation of blood clots, coffeeberry can help safeguard the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of these life-threatening events.

These cardiovascular benefits are particularly significant for individuals with diabetes, which we'll talk about next. Diabetes increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and coffee berry can provide a natural way to protect heart health. By reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, maintaining cholesterol levels, and preventing blood clots, coffee berry and coffeeberry extract can play a vital role in managing cardiovascular health in individuals with diabetes.

Coffeeberry Can Even Promote Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Those abundant polyphenols in coffee fruit have been found to have a significant impact on lowering blood sugar levels and preventing blood sugar spikes after meals.

Studies show that the consumption of polyphenols is linked to higher insulin sensitivity and lower fasting blood glucose levels. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels; increased sensitivity to insulin helps the hormone to do its job and more efficiently lower blood sugar levels. Polyphenols enhance insulin sensitivity so our bodies can use insulin effectively.

Polyphenols found in coffeeberry extract now in AminoMind help regulate blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.

Another way polyphenols work is by inhibiting the enzymes that break involved in digesting starch into sugar. Starches are a primary source of carbohydrates that are then broken down into glucose molecules. Polyphenols act as a barrier, preventing the enzymes from breaking down the starches into sugars. By slowing down the carbohydrate digestion process, polyphenols help maintain steady blood sugar levels, avoiding those sharp blood sugar spikes that can be so harmful.

Additionally, the BDNF-building nutrients in coffeeberry extract also contribute to better insulin sensitivity. BDNF regulates glucose in our bodies. Consequently a diet low in polyphenols compounded by age-related declines in BDNF can contribute to metabolic syndrome, insulin-resistance, and diabetes.

A Superfood Gold Star - Well-Earned!

I'm sure you've seen hundreds of headlines about how good old regular coffee beans provides health benefits when used in moderation. And now, coffeeberry extract is gaining recognition as a SUPER superfood due to its impressive health benefits. Coffeeberry's high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols, their ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and their potential to prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and possibly even cancer give those little red berries some serious street cred.

The aspect of coffeeberry's health benefits I'm very excited about is its ability to increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Coffeeberry extract is a BDNF-building nutrient that contributes to the growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons, as well as improving overall neurological health throughout the body. Higher BDNF levels have been linked to enhanced cognitive function, memory, and mood, as well as the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and a potential biomarker that can help us get in front of degenerative diseases. Coffeeberry extract improves brain health and promotes optimal brain function.

Are You Thinking, "This Stuff Looks Good...Where Can I Get Coffeeberries?"

Coffee berries grow on coffee plants and have been discarded or used as feed for centuries. But with their newfound popularity for their potential health benefits, many people have been growing their own coffee bushes. That's the slow way to get coffeeberries!

Because the research about coffeeberries is so compelling, coffee fruit products are popping up can even get coffee flour for baking. But there's a secret to getting the dynamic health benefits from coffeeberry that will save you time, money, and taste buds—I'll share that with you in a second.

Because they are kind of the new "it" nutrient, coffeeberry is found in a variety of forms such as capsules, tablets, powders, liquid extracts, and even as a flour. As we discussed, coffee fruit is difficult to digest. While capsules and tablets are convenient options, most do not offer the maximum health benefits seen in clinical research. Generally capsules and tablets are slowly broken down in the digestive process and you often don't get their full potency before they're moved out of the body.

Processed coffee berries are sold, but trust me, they are bitter. You may find coffee fruit or coffeeberry listed as an ingredients in health beverages, teas, and functional foods. It's becoming the hot new thing to put on a label. Again, the challenge is absorption and bioavailability. Those products also have to overcome the fruit's bitterness.

Here's the insider secret to getting the most out of a coffeeberry product. Opt for the coffeeberry extract that already has the difficult-to-digest cell walls already broken down. A fractionated extract is more concentrated and it is what has been shown to be effective in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

AminoMind with coffeeberry extract provides builds BDNF for brain and body health by 143% in just 1 tablespoon. Optimize your brain health, improve your gut health, support your heart health, and more.

In fact, the unique form of fractionated coffeeberry extract used by Health Direct in AminoMind is backed by astounding research, and the ongoing studies continue to show huge opportunities for optimal brain health and wonderful whole body benefits too.

There are so many health benefits to adding coffeeberry extract to the supplements you take and now you have the option of AminoMind, the first ever nootropic collagen with fractionated coffeeberry extract for maximum results.

Want to Learn More?


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About the Author

Lisa Moretti is a Certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the largest nutrition school in the world. She was at the top of her cohort in 2015. She's professionally been involved in the natural health and supplement world since 1981.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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