Save your brain and memory with nootropic collagen
Save your brain and memory with nootropic collagen

Save Your Brain and Memory With Nootropic Collagen

Estimated Read Time: 15 minutes

Health Direct has introduced another industry-changing product, and I think it will be life-changing for many of you. This brain derived neurotrophic factor supplement is a reprieve from the impending doom feelings about your memory, the anxiety of whether it could be dementia, and the frustration of brain fog. If you have any worries about your cognitive health, today's the day you can set them aside! I know that sounds bold, but the impact on your memory of Health Direct's latest innovation is backed by research and is a total game-changer!

Over 25 years ago, Health Direct introduced medical-grade liquid collagen used in hospitals, surgery centers, and care facilities around the country directly to consumers - no prescription needed. Today, Health Direct is giving people like you a way to protect their brain health and memory with the first-of-its-kind nootropic liquid collagen called AminoMind.

AminoMind combines science-backed nutrients that help your body create BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), a protein used to make new neurons, create new information pathways and storage, and revitalize old neurons.

Making new neurons is a process called neurogenesis. As we age, we create fewer neurons, causing our brain volume to begin to shrink. However, researchers have discovered that our brains, when given the right nutrients, can begin to make new brain cells. This means our brain communications, memory, and recall can be restored to the brain we had in our younger days.

AminoMind Nootropic Collagen builds BDNF with high pro-gly & gly-hyp dipeptides and all 9 essential amino acids.

BDNF also helps protect your heart health and mitigates cardiovascular disease; it improves how your body uses glucose to help you maintain a healthy body weight; it improves your emotional health and reduces depression; it increases energy and lowers mental fatigue...all while helping you reduce the risk of memory loss.

By using CollaBrain collagen and combining it with BDNF-building nutrients, you can now easily feed your brain with the vital nutrition it craves.

This new collagen really is a breakthrough. CollaBrain delivers 30 to 50 times more of the peptides your brain needs to maintain its volume. One tablespoon of liquid CollaBrain is equivalent to 65 tablespoons of the leading powdered collagen when taken as directed.

An interesting side note is that less is more when it comes to this brain-building formula.

If you have memory problems already, you can increase your dosage for two weeks to address the potential deficiencies in your brain mass and BDNF levels. But, after 14 days, a standard dose of 1 tablespoon of AminoMind a day supplies all the nutrients you need for building BDNF.

Once your levels are restored, your body just needs 100 mg. per day of BDNF-building coffeecherry extract; the effects do not increase with a larger dosage. Once you've restocked your BDNF-making repositories, you've hit the sweet spot, and you only need to keep your levels steady.

Why Does AminoMind Work So Fast?

The nutrients in AminoMind give your body the resources it needs to make BDNF in a form it can put to work immediately. This is truly a BDNF supplement that is clinically proven to boost your BDNF levels -- fast.

Participants in clinical studies (double-blind, placebo-controlled) had their BDNF levels rise by 143% within 60 minutes after ingestion.

In another study, participants' reaction times improved by 7% within 90 minutes.

In yet another study, participants who had mild cognitive decline were able to complete memory tasks 27% faster after 7 days and 32% faster after 28 days.

Studies demonstrated that using the BDNF-building nutrients in AminoMind resulted in:

  • More neuron-building BDNF in under an hour,
  • Faster reactions and recall in 90 minutes,
  • Sharper/more nimble memory skills in just 7 days!

CollaBrain collagen is also able to cross the blood-brain barrier with bioidentical protein peptides your brain needs.

Health Direct has given its triple hydrolyzed collagen a boost by increasing its Pro-Hyp and Hyp-Gly concentrations. This brain health-focused supplement also includes l-citrulline to increase blood flow and oxygen delivery.

AminoMind also includes l-tryptophan to help create neurotransmitters in enough volume to meet the demands of your new brain cells. Neurotransmitters are like bike messengers relaying information parkour-style across the gap between our neurons as their messages go zipping along our nerve fibers.

Amazing results fast, increase BDNF by 143% in 60 minutes

Why AminoMind Is Completely Different From Other Nootropic Supplements

You've probably seen brain health supplements and memory support supplements at your vitamin store or online (or those late-night TV infomercials designed to hook menopausal women with insomnia.) Those supplements are geared to help specific brain functions, but not your brain's structure.

And that's the secret!

If your brain is shrinking in volume and your neurons are getting tired and withered, all those "boosting" nutrients are doing little if anything for your memory and brain health. Truthfully, they can't!

To maintain a strong memory and to have new places to store short- and long-term memories, you need your brain to go to the volume it did when you were in your 20s.

Our brains start shrinking at about 30 and then really accelerate at losing gray matter after 60. Our body's ability to make BDNF starts to decline in a similar curve, it becomes less efficient at growing and maintaining our brain cells because it doesn't have the nutrients to make BDNF.

We also become more sedentary as we get older. Body and muscle movement help create BDNF, too. Add in some environmental toxins and some systemic inflammation, and our fragile brain tissue starts to crumple.

Our brains start shrinking at 30 and that shrinkage accelerates after 60 - stop it with AminoMind

By combining this new form of triple hydrolyzed liquid collagen to feed your brain with BDNF-building coffeecherry extract, you have the perfect solution to restore your memory, reduce your risk of dementia (and even help reverse it), resolve depression, and continue to live independently.

It is possible to stay sharp well into your 80s and 90s!

Let's Look At Risk Factors For Memory Loss and Forgetfulness

As we age, our brains change, just like our bodies. Most noticeably, we may have difficulty remembering new information or thinking of familiar words. Or our keys and wallets seem to hide from us daily. It's embarrassing...and annoying!

But what causes memory loss, and how and why does our memory change with age?

Brain researchers say that normal memory loss with aging can actually be attributed to a slight decline in our attention and things that affects called "executive functions" (planning, sequencing, and regulating thought).

Take the example of trying to think of the name of someone you've run into at the coffee shop. That memory recall requires your brain to rapidly make connections between brain cells. You need to retrieve that memory and then speed it along your brain cells (neurons), jumping the gap between each brain cell that separates it from its neighbors. 

That electrochemical "memory" is moved along by a chemical messenger called a neurotransmitter. Once it crosses the gap, it must "unlock" a receptor on the destination cell. This hopefully happens at lightning speed so that you can say, "Hi, Steve," without a hiccup.

But, as I'm sure you've experienced, it doesn't always go so smoothly.

Both our brain's chemistry and its structure of mass and neural pathways deteriorate. Specialized areas of the brain, like the region called the hippocampus, which is crucial for memory processing, are shrinking.

That speedy process of memory retrieval slows down, and suddenly, Steve's name is on the tip of your tongue, but you just can't quite get it. 20 minutes later, when Steve is long gone, his name comes right to you. As we get older, these "brain farts" don't mean you'll never be able to recall the bit of information that's eluding you; it means it's going to take some time for your brain to weed through those tired old neurons and get that memory back.

So the slow down of our cognitive performance is considered "normal."

But does it have to be that way?

No! No, it does not!

There are other factors that cause memory loss like head trauma or a brain disease. The ability of a well-nourished brain to overcome and heal from these (called neuroplasticity) startled brain researchers in the 1980s and '90s.

We are still seeing advancements in how the brain can rewire, recreate, and rejuvenate itself every day.

Another factor of memory decline and forgetfulness recently identified is biochemical influences. Stress, fatigue, sleep deprivation, thyroid malfunction, and even vitamin deficiencies create a toxic soup running through our cells, tissues, and bloodstream. These can all be addressed, and their biochemical impacts on the body can be reversed.

One of the greatest impacts on our cognitive health is "sitting sickness." We become sedentary, we don't challenge our brain or our mind-to-muscle communication. It can also make us become more socially isolated.  These are a recipe for memory loss and a slippery slope to dementia.

"Living a mentally active life is important...Just as muscles grow stronger with use, mental exercise helps keep mental skills and memory in tone." --

So What Is Dementia?

When people are surveyed about their health concerns, dementia is one of the top six fears in the US. And that's with good reason!

Alzheimer's (a form of dementia) is on the rise, along with other forms of dementia. Americans are living in dread of losing their minds, so much so that many people confuse mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with dementia.

MCI can be a precursor to the early stages of dementia, but actual dementia is a totally separate brain disorder.

Here's your red-flag warning: the symptoms of dementia make it so you can no longer care for yourself; you have to depend on other people for the basic tasks of everyday life.


Yes, memory loss is a common sign of dementia, and it's easy to recognize - and easy to use to frighten ourselves. But dementia has other hallmarks like the inability to think abstractly, to make reasonable decisions, to communicate your ideas and needs, and to relate spatially to the environment.

We also see dementia patients undergo dramatic personality changes, often becoming totally different people than we knew. Some people become agitated, others impatient, angry, aggressive, out of step with time, and even delusional. (Note: When your mom says she's having tea with the Queen, just agree. There's no battle to win here.)

Protect your brain against Alzheimer's and other types of dementia by keeping your BDNF levels high.

Dementia is a broad term, and as we said Alzheimer's is a subset of the disease marked by short-term memory loss. People with Alzheimer's often ask the same question over and over minutes apart, forgetting you already answered their question. Alzheimer's patients also frequently have severe personality changes.

With increased awareness and significant fundraising for more research, we are starting to understand what happens in the brain of someone with Alzheimer's.

Those who die from Alzheimer's have excessive amyloid plaque and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. This is the familiar "plaques and tangles" you've heard about.

Research is ongoing as to whether these plaques that clog up the neuronal pathways and the tangles that choke off brain cells, neurons, pathways, and even regions of the brain are the cause of Alzheimer's or the result of something else.

An older brain with low levels of BDNF cannot overcome the environment created by plaques and tangles. However, researchers are interested as to whether it may be possible to use BDNF levels as a method of early diagnosis for Alzheimer's.

Vascular dementia is another category. This type of dementia is caused by an interruption of the blood flow to the brain, either from a stroke, a brain bleed, an injury, or reduced blood flow from the narrowing of the small arteries and blood vessels. We need that vascular network healthy to feed oxygen and nutrients to the brain. While similar to Alzheimer's disease, the effect on the brain is different and often found in more regions of the brain.

You may have also heard of Lewy body dementia. This is the devastating type of dementia Robin Williams had. This type of dementia is the result of harmful proteins clogging up brain cells so that they progressively stop being able to work. The result is a slow goodbye as one loses cognition, memory, and control of their body's movements.

Frontotemporal dementia occurs when neurons in the brain's frontal lobe or temporal lobe die off. People have such extreme personality changes that they are often misdiagnosed with psychiatric problems.

The scariest part of these different types of dementia is that you can have more than one.

Doctors diagnose this as mixed dementia. There is some evidence that dementia may have a genetic component, but we also know from the field of epigenetics your genetic code doesn't have to be a life sentence.

How To Protect Your Memory and Lower Your Risk For Dementia

As we discussed, AminoMind is a breakthrough in maintaining your brain's structure and health.

You want a full, wrinkly, heavy brain that can make new brain cells, forge new connections, and keep your older neurons rejuvenated.

AminoMind is a groundbreaking, science-backed resource to help your brain stay youthful.  

But there are also other proactive steps you can use in concert with AminoMind.

Use AminoMind with the nutrients to feed your brain and keep it well-connected.

First is a healthy lifestyle.

  • You can't party until 2 and go to work at 6. 
  • Moderate alcohol consumption is okay, but that's the key: alcohol in moderation, not binging.
  • You know that smoking and prolonged sitting are terrible for your health. Lack of exercise and movement are deathly to your muscles and mind.
  • Eating real foods (I define these as foods that can go bad) full of color and variety will ensure you're getting a balanced and healthy diet. A poor diet or one full of ultra-processed foods of convenience is a factor for dementia. And we know that our food chain isn't what it used to be, so a good multivitamin is crucial.

Getting physical is important for your brain.

  • Physical activity that crosses your body's midline helps keep your brain healthy at any age. In fact, any kind of regular exercise that involves cross-pattern movements is great for keeping your brain healthy.
  • Physical activity raises blood flow, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the whole body, including the brain. For healthy adults, 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking) or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic exercise (such as biking or jogging) are optimal. But even if you don't have that kind of time, just a 10-minute walking break a few times throughout the day.
  • Physical activity not only keeps your muscles in shape; it also engages your mind to improve your cognitive health and keeps memory issues at bay.
  • Challenging your brain keeps it building new connections. Reading, doing puzzles and crosswords, learning a new language, learning a musical instrument, taking up a new hobby, or other stimulating activities (game night!) will all keep your brain active so it performs better.
  • You can challenge your brain with everyday activities by using your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, brush your hair, play catch, etc.
  • Even writing by hand in cursive stimulates your brain!

We also need to stay socially engaged for our brain health and mental health.

  •  Meaningful conversations help to keep our brains making new neural connections so we stay sharp.
  • Sadly, loneliness is not only bad for our cognitive functions, but it is also physically detrimental to our health. Our risk of dementia increases if we are socially isolated, our probability of cognitive decline increases, and the embarrassment of not being able to remember things creates a self-fulfilling process of withdrawal.
  • Types of activities that bring us into group settings, like volunteer work or social clubs, provide an easy on-ramp for people who have been isolated and lonely.

And let's not forget quality sleep. If you don't know what makes for "good sleep," check out our previous blog post.

  • Sleep is so important because the brain consolidates memories and processes information from the day while we are physically at rest.
  • We also have to have enough hours of sleep to allow the newly discovered glymphatic system in the brain to wash our brain tissues and move the trash/sludge out.
  • If snoring (yours or your partner's) is disrupting your sleep, it's important to see your health care provider. Snoring is often a sign of a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea.
  • Often, stress keeps us from sleeping, even the stress from worrying we might get dementia.
  • Stress creates oxidative stress throughout our bodies. Chronic stress also creates inflammation that eventually degrades our neurons, tissues, and brain. It starts to make sense that our mental functions fail when we are tired and stressed!
  • Mindful activities like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises have all been shown to lower stress and improve memory.

"A lot of people are stressed out or anxious over something, including getting Alzheimer's... I have patients who tell me all the time that they're worried about getting Alzheimer's, and what I tell them is worrying about memory loss can lead to memory loss." -- Dr. Silky Pahlajani, a behavioral neurologist and neuropsychiatrist at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center.

The best brain health supplement is AminoMind Nootropic Collagen

To say I'm excited about AminoMind would be an understatement!

The risks of losing memory, recall, reflexes, learning -- all of the brain functions we take for granted when we are young become more precious each year. The explosion of dementia in the US is terrifying and causes so many people I know to live with a feeling of impending doom.

When I studied the clinical research on AminoMind, I was filled with hope! Age-related memory loss doesn't have to be a given. Lifelong brain health and being sharp and engaged in living well into our golden season of life are easily attainable with a simple but innovative formula.

If you have concerns about your brain health or you're worried about your memory, take a deep breath. You literally can protect your brain and your memory with just a sip a day!

Want to Learn More?

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1.  How to use nootropic collagen supplements for memory enhancement.
    Nootropic collagen supplements combine brain-boosting ingredients with collagen peptides to support cognitive function, memory retention, and mental clarity. Two di-peptides are especially important – pro-Hyp and hyp-gly. 

    Collagen provides essential amino acids that promote neurotransmitter production, while added nootropic compounds enhance focus and brain health. Regular use of a high-quality liquid nootropic collagen supplement can help maintain cognitive sharpness as you age.

    2.  What are the benefits of collagen supplements for brain health?
    Collagen supplements support brain health by providing amino acids like glycine and proline, which help reduce inflammation, support neurotransmitter function, and promote overall cognitive wellness. Studies suggest that these compounds may enhance focus, memory, and mental clarity. By nourishing the brain and body, collagen supplements contribute to long-term neurological health.

    Remember, we lose brain mass as we age.  Collagen can help maintain and build brain mass too! 

    3.  What’s the best health supplement with nootropic collagen for cognitive support?
    AminoMind is the groundbreaking, cutting-edge nootropic collagen supplement designed to enhance cognitive function, improve focus, and support memory. Its unique formula combines high-quality collagen peptides with brain-boosting nutrients to optimize mental performance. AminoMind is proven to increase BDNF, the protein your brain needs to build new brain cells, by 143% within 60 minutes. 

    Whether you're looking to stay sharp at work, support long-term brain health, or revitalize your brain function, AminoMind provides the nutrients your brain needs to thrive.


    • 2022 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures. Alzheimer's Dement., 18: 700-789.
    • Bathina S, Das UN. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and its clinical implications. Arch Med Sci. 2015 Dec 10;11(6):1164-78. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2015.56342. Epub 2015 Dec 11.
    • Robinson JL, et al. Cognitive short- and long-term effects of coffee cherry extract in older adults with mild cognitive decline. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 2020 Nov;27(6):918-934.
    • Robinson JL, Yanes JA, et al. Neurophysiological effects of whole coffee cherry extract in older adults with subjective cognitive impairment: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over pilot study. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Jan 20;10(2):144
    • Seiko Koizumi, et al, Ingestion of a collagen peptide containing high concentrations of prolyl-hydroxyproline and hydroxyprolyl-glycine reduces advanced glycation end products levels in the skin and subcutaneous blood vessel walls: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study,Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Volume 87, Issue 8, August 2023, Pages 883–889
    • Reyes-Izquierdo, et al, Stimulatory Effect of Whole Coffee Fruit Concentrate Powder on Plasma Levels of Total and Exosomal Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Healthy Subjects: An Acute Within-Subject Clinical Study,Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 9, 2013

    About the Author

    Lisa Moretti is a Certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the largest nutrition school in the world. She was at the top of her cohort in 2015. She's professionally been involved in the natural health and supplement world since 1981.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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