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Save Your Brain and Memory With Nootropic Collagen

Save Your Brain and Memory With Nootropic Collagen

Health Direct introduces the first ever nootropic collagen called AminoMind with super dipeptide CollaBrain, clinically documented to help protect your mind and memory.
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Brain Health Strategy: Movement

Brain Health Strategy: Movement

Exercise supports your brain health. You don't need to be a super athlete to get benefits. Learn 9 simple moves for brain health and how to support your brain workout.
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Is It Allergies, a Cold, Flu, or COVID-19 Virus? Learn How Qubeco Can Protect You! - Header Image

Is It Allergies, a Cold, Flu, or COVID-19 Virus? Learn How Qubeco Can Protect You!

Get ready for winter and its respiratory health challenges. Quickly discern if you're dealing with allergies, a cold, flu, or COVID-19 in our symptoms checklist. Learn about the essential nutrients—Quercetin, Colostrum, and Beta-Glucan—all nutrients backed by science to help prime rather than boost/fatigue your immune system and support your respiratory health.
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 Health Direct 4 Things You Should Never Do Before Bed, and 1 You ABSOLUTELY Must!

Optimize Your Bedtime Routine With One Simple Trick (And Eliminating these Four Bad Habits)

Discover the secrets to better sleep and enhanced health. Learn how to overcome common sleep thieves like screen time, late-night snacking, FOMO, and temperature disruptions. Plus, unlock the power of collagen to supercharge your sleep and revitalize your body, all in one simple sip. Don't miss out on a restful night's sleep!

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Health Direct | Stop Counting Calories, Use Your Body's Natural Rhythms To Lose Weight

Stop Counting Calories Use Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight

The science behind Intermittent Fasting is simple: when you fast, your body enters a metabolic state called ketosis that helps you burn fat more efficiently. This means fewer cravings and more weight loss over time. Intermittent fasting has other long-term health benefits, like improving cognitive performance, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation. Intermittent fasting also activates autophagy - the body’s natural process of detoxification.
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