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Healthy Travel Tips, Vacation Wellness, Avoiding Constipation While Traveling, Best Supplements For Traveling

How to Prevent Travel Constipation and Weight Gain

Maximize your vacation with our travel tips. Vacations often bring constipation and weight gain. Learn to avoid these vacation downers, manage stress, and maintain wellness with practical advice and our recommended travel supplement plan. 

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Health Direct | Why Your Body Needs Some Help Moving Out The Sludge

Why Your Body Needs Some Help Moving Out The Sludge

Detoxing and cleansing are popular but they can be dangerous. We'll discuss safe, natural methods that include hydration, fiber-rich foods, herbs for cleansing, and sleep. We examine the roles of the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system as well as signs of liver distress so you know how to detox safely.

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Health Direct | Stop Counting Calories, Use Your Body's Natural Rhythms To Lose Weight

Stop Counting Calories Use Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight

The science behind Intermittent Fasting is simple: when you fast, your body enters a metabolic state called ketosis that helps you burn fat more efficiently. This means fewer cravings and more weight loss over time. Intermittent fasting has other long-term health benefits, like improving cognitive performance, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation. Intermittent fasting also activates autophagy - the body’s natural process of detoxification.
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Health Direct | How Are Your Resolutions Holding Up?

How Are Your Resolutions Holding Up?

We start with the best of intentions, but sometimes it takes big lifestyle changes to achieve your New Year's resolutions.  We have some simple tips to help re-dedicate yourself to your health aspirations.
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